Monday, May 19, 2014

Thought for the day: What on Earth is Caviar Left?

For all those of you who wonder where those people that are on the spotlight go in terms of political ideology, I can tell you by introducing you to a new expression: Caviar Left. The words may seem contradictory, since they represent different figures and action. Caviar, the eggs that come from the Sturgeon, a rare type of fish that can only be found in the Caspian Sea, and which is a symbol of wealth and luxury worldwide.

Left, in Political Science, is the term that defines all those who usually sympathize with social ideas, generally associated with Communism and/or Socialism, that usually only care about the poor and oppressed peoples across the Earth. The supporters of the Left usually condemn wealth and profits and that, basically, "worship" the big government, considering this entity as a "Messiah" or the "laical God." But, in reality, what caviar leftists really do is something diametrically opposite to what they say in regards to their political views. This issue, however, I will explained later on this post.

Before I say what are the real actions for caviar leftists, I will explain the origin of the term caviar left, not very popular in the U. S. but quite popular abroad. The expression "caviar left" was first seen in France, in the late 1960s. After the famous student demonstrations of 1968, in which they defended socialist causes and the youth as the only phase of life that you can really do something for a change ("Don't trust anyone older than 30," they said at the time), but these "petit-bourgeois" (according to the French) kept on having every kind of pleasure that any classic socialist would severely condemn. That was why the French press and thinkers gave this trend the name gauche caviar (the French for caviar left), simply because of the contradiction found between speech and practice. It can be seen as a synonym for the expression limousine liberal, which basically mean the same kind of thought.

Back to the "actions" of the caviar left, there are a few examples of how we can explain the dynamics of the liberal thought. First, imagine yourself defending that regimes like those seen in Cuba and Venezuela are more equal for the majority of the population and that brought hope for the less afortunate in terms of income. But, instead of living like real socialist thinkers do, you simply enjoy the best of everything that only capitalism can provide! You defend simplicity but you'll never give up on the Malibu mansion or the Manhattan penthouse! 

The second example is of the environmentalist who defends the use of bicycles and/or public transportation to get around the cities, or a hybrid or electric car in the worse case scenario. However, the reality is clearly different: this same ecology militant gets around on very expensive (and gas thirsty) cars, and they only fly in private jets, too! Which shows a gigantic contradiction between what they say and what they do. And this result has a powerful name: hypocrisy. It's hypocrisy because actions do not match the words of the people that abide by this ideology. And, unfortunately, this has become the ideological standard of Hollywood, in which you either keep your mouth shut or support the caviar left corolarium, because you will not get any job in that industry.

The latest example comes from the actor and comedian Rob Schneider, who switched from the Democratic to the Republican party simply because he was severely disappointed in the fact that caviar left has become the standard in Hollywood. He said that 
"There’s a polarization that’s happening…I do think you look can look at government and go, “Wow, it is out of control now,” and if you do criticize or tend to be not directly along a liberal stand, you can get murdered."
Unfortunately, this is a dangerous trend that has to end. Our society has to hold this kind of liberal activists accountable for their thoughts and actions and to demand that they either act according to their ideology or to assume their lavish lifestyle. At least this way, actions and thoughts could become more coherent and more dignified.

This is my thought for the day, for all those like me, who are here thinking out loud.

                                                                                                           To be continued

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