Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thinking Out Loud: first thought and blog mission

Thinking out loud. For many people, this is something that happens naturally when it comes to express feelings and ideas about life and what goes around it. For some others, this is something that may be a little hard to do in an everyday basis, given the facts either these people are shy or are restrained by social conventions.

The act of thinking out loud should not be seen as something that we should avoid at all times. It is, indeed, the opposite: it's the only mechanism we have to express all of our opinions and concerns about a variety of topics that affect our individual lives, our community, our country. We can see every single day the numerous attacks our beliefs and freedom suffer from all kinds of enemies: oppressors, political groups, misanthropists, countless humans who desire the disgrace and the misery of other people only for the sole purpose of a "unanimous" world, where only their own opinions are right and all others are not only wrong, but become "enemies."

People who defend solid values and causes should be the most active out-loud thinkers. They have no fear of defending their ideas among others, in a world where hostility and artificial conflicts arise overnight, without a logical explanation. They are the modern-day version of the old Roman gladiators, when lions were thrown at the fighters and those had the task of slaughtering the wild beasts.

This is the mission of my blog: to slaughter the modern-day lions (people with opinions that don't like a healthy debate) with a concise counter opinion, without losing the level and, most of all, defending the values that matter most to our humble society. Family, freedom, free economy, and our right to happiness will be our banners of fight and our driving force on a misguided world in desperate need of good examples and ideas.

Starting now, the debate is open. Open for ideas, thoughts and actions. Open for a civilized discussion, with no fear of polemicizing at times. Open for contribution and for serving the community. Open for you.

This is my thought for the day, for all those like me, who are here thinking out loud.

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